132 Leadership Styles

132 Leadership Styles
What role does personality play in leadership?
132 Leadership Styles

During this interactive session, we will delve into this question seeking to understand how you can effectively lead in a way that honors your own personality style while also accommodating the styles of those you are leading. Participants will complete a personality styles inventory and engage in activities and discussions to discover how personality traits can shape leadership style, influence your individual leadership effectiveness, and impact your team’s success. The goal of this session is for participants to be able to walk away with a better understanding of themselves, equipped with practical insights and tools they can immediately put into practice.

Together we will:
1. Explore Four Key Dimensions of Personality: Gain insights into these dimensions and how they “show up” in leadership roles;
2. Identify Your Preferred Style: Discover your primary personality style and understand how it affects your leadership approach, decision-making, and communication;
3. Enhance Communication Skills: Learn strategies to communicate effectively with individuals of different personality styles, which can foster better collaboration and teamwork;
4. Adapt and Inspire: Explore techniques to adapt your leadership style to various situations and personalities, becoming a more versatile and influential leader;
5.Case Studies and Group Activities: Engage in real-world case studies and group activities to begin applying new knowledge.

Instructor: Tommy Royston, Ph.D., is a consultant specializing in executive and leadership development. Mr. Royston is the Vice President of Strategy Development for Anavo Solutions.
3/27/2024 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
205 S. Edwards Street Independence, CA 93526

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