347 IT: Lead Business Innovation

347 IT: Lead Business Innovation

Innovation is anything, but business as usual.
347 IT: Lead Business Innovation 

While in the private sector corporations look to innovate with disruptive technologies to drive top-line growth, governments look to leverage innovation to reduce current service costs, improve services, or introduce new ones. The good news is when IT departments have a holistic view into their organization, they can credibly establish themselves as innovative visionaries and strategic partners of other departments. The bad news is that many IT departments lack this view and are not considered innovative. This course is designed to help government IT leaders reverse this trend. By learning how to gain and manage awareness of the organization’s strategies and priorities, obtain stakeholder commitment, and become strategic partners, IT can avoid being seen as a “black box” and instead earn recognition as organizational innovators.

Instructor: Tonya Digiorno, Director of Information Technology at County of El Dorado. 

6/13/2024 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM

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